Ha Long has a climate of 4 seasons in the year: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Therefore, Ha Long is a destination for any season of the year. Today, let’s review the weather in Ha Long for 12 months below with Vietlook Travel.
Ha Long weather in January
The weather is sunny, the temperature fluctuates around 18 degrees Celsius, there is fog in the early morning and little rain. If you travel to Ha Long in January, you should bring a thin shirt, for the convenience of sightseeing.
In addition, Ha Long in January is also the time when many special festivals and fun activities take place on the bay, very suitable for foreign tourists to Ha Long, and the cool weather is very suitable for conquering Ba Tho mountain, because at this time the temperature is low, so it is not convenient to participate in games under the sea.
Ha Long’s February temperature is lower than January, the temperature is around 17 degrees Celsius, and early mornings and late afternoons are still covered with fog, and this is also the occasion of Lunar New Year, a long holiday.
Ha Long weather in March.
The climate is very nice at this time, the sky is clear and sunny, the temperature is usually higher than January and February, Ha Long’s temperature in March is around 19 degrees Celsius, which is the time for those who like to experience mountain climbing.
The weather in summer begins to heat up, the temperature is around 24 degrees Celsius, this is the right time for tourists to experience Ha Long cruise tours, or participate in sea games, or paragliding from above.
At this time, many tourists go on a family tour Ha Long, but there are still sudden showers. At this time, Ha Long is in the hot summer, but when you come to the sea, you will feel cool, especially experiencing a luxurious 5 or 6-star cruise gliding on the water and stopping by scenic spots to enjoy delicious dishes right on the cruise, there is nothing more interesting.
Ha Long in June
At this time, Ha Long’s weather is at its peak in the summer, the temperature usually fluctuates around 30 degrees Celsius, very suitable for tourists to swim in the sea, or participate in games on the sea, and should not climb mountains, because the weather is quite hot at this time.
Ha Long climate in July and August
At this time, although Ha Long is sunny, there are still prolonged rains, even storms, so visibility is limited, not suitable for sightseeing experiences on the bay, however, this is the low season, so you can listen to the weather before traveling to Ha Long.
Ha Long at this time the rains have stopped and gradually entered the autumn weather, the temperature fluctuates around 18 degrees Celsius, however there are still sudden showers, so if you travel to Ha Long in September you should bring an umbrella to prevent the rain from affecting your tour.
The weather is quite cool, the temperature gradually decreases and this is also the beautiful weather for you to visit Ha Long, and you can visit the caves to explore the beauty, experience climbing Bai Tho mountain, and cycling to admire the scenery on the bay.
The weather enters the dry season, the temperature usually fluctuates around 24 degrees Celsius, and this is also the peak season of Ha Long, especially foreign tourists like to experience on yachts or rowing boats, or cycling to admire the beautiful scenery.
The weather is entering winter, the weather is clear and there are no more sudden showers, visitors can enjoy playing games on the sea, the weather is sunny and clear during the day, at night the weather starts to get cold, you should bring a jacket to go sightseeing and participate in night activities in the coastal city.
The above are experiences of traveling to Ha Long and Ha Long’s climate in the months of the year, hopefully it will help you in some way for your trip, if you have any questions, please contact Vietlook Travel immediately for more specific advice.